Assalamualaikum w.b.t...
harini curi masa lagi alang-alang tengah free sikit ni, nak cerita pasal pets...salah satu daripada hobi saya ni ialah memiliki binatang belaan dan dah banyak sebenarnya bela binatang ni, ikan la arnab la burung la..dan macam-macam jenis lagi la sebenarnya...tapi...kira yang paling tahan la, paling gagah bertahan hidup dari kecil sampai la tua kerepot and mati ialah AYAM! haaa ayam, bela ayam la...just nak share cerita...selepas saya berkahwin tahun 2008 then masuk tahun 2009 baru saya mula membela ayam ni, ayam bukan ayam kampung atau ayam daging...saya minat dengan AYAM EKSOTIK....ayam pertama yang saya bela is ayam serama start 2009...

dulu memang rajin ambik gambar family ayam serama ni...induk dan betina...setiap family ni lain-lain warna dia...and satu lagi, saya ni bela serama biasa ja maksud saya serama yang bukan kalangan serama harga dia pun murah (kira rejected by org2 kuat bertanding ni lah) kenapa saya pilih hat yang reject ni sebab nak try bela and tengok cara pembiakan dia...penyakit dan cara nak cure dia dan lain-lain lah...walaupun ayam biasa tapi saya enjoy and happy to have them in house...

so...gambar atas ni gambar ayam serama yang masih ada hingga ke tahun ni, tahun 2016...sebenarnya ada seketika tu stop kejap dalam beberapa tahun, tapi last-last cari juga balik sebab rasa macam boring ja kalau tak ada depa ni...haha
nak dijadikan cerita, ada satu hari ni pergi ke kedai pets kira dekat juga lah dengan rumah...bila tengok-tengok ada sepasang ayam ni memang superb comel baq ang...geram pulak tengok tu...masa tu mana nak tau nama bila macam minat + geram tu apo lagi, tanya tokey...gosok2 sikit sampai harga down down down..hehehe alhamdulillah dpt murah jugak la...ayam comel ni rupanya nama dia MINI it was my first mini cochin in da dipendekkan cerita...dari sepasang muda saya bela sampai dewasa and tiba masa dia bertelur (banyak jugak) dan mengeram...happy sangat2 masa tu...

sumber : google
MINI COCHIN information
This chicken was originally bred in China and later exported to Britain and America in the mid 19th century.
As a very distinctive breed of chicken, it apparently created a bit of a craze among poultry lovers in the English-speaking world, effectively launching poultry fancy as we know it today.
Not only was this breed one of the largest seen, with cocks weighing up to 5 kg (11 lb), but also its soft and very plentiful plumage, similar to the Japanese Silkie, makes the bird conspicuous by exaggerating its already large size. It was successfully bred into other birds.
As above, the most distinctive feature of the Cochin is the excessive plumage that covers leg and foot. The skin beneath the feathers is yellow and the egg colour is light brown. Eggs are also medium in size. Standard weight is 5 kg (11 lb) for a cock, 4 kg (9 lb) for a cockerel, 3.9 kg (9 lb) for a hen, and 3.2 kg (7 lb) for a pullet.[citation needed] Colour varieties include buff, black, partridge, blue, silver laced, splash, golden laced, and white. Cochins can be frizzled, with the feathers curling outwards. Cochins are well known as good mothers, even as foster mothers for other breeds, and they can lay many eggs, but usually not for extended periods of time. Cochins are also known to be good pet hens for the garden, as they are tame and regarded as one of the most 'friendly' chicken breeds. Cochins are rather quiet chickens, and tend to be quite calm as well

mana lah tak geram...badan bulat ekor bulat...comel time ni yang menetas semua 8 ekor...TAPI!!! haaaa....ada cerita seremmmm...
setiap hari bila jenguk ja mesti makin kurang satu demi satu...last-last satu malam ni bila ayam tengah riuh dok berkokok pegi la jenguk reban yang 2 3 langkah je sampai (depan rumah ja)...bila tengok tanjat boboy la kawan...tengok cek T punya la besaq baq ang macam kucen pun hado...supanya tikus tanahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
sedih kawan...sikit2 mati...bila besaq mati kena makan,,,haaaa MAKAN...tikus tanah ni makan anak ayam ok!

ni la keadaannya bila kena ratah dek cek T tanah...geremmmmm....
so bila dah gini la jdnya so sy decide kurungkan anak-anak yang survive dalam 1 kandang yang saya tutup ketat...gitew...kira survive juga lah 4 ekor...dari remaja ke teruna yang handsome2 empat2 ekor ni...cantik pulak tu..huhu
yang sedihnya mak ngan ayah ayam ni tadi makin lama macam sakit...rasanya sebab kencing and najis tikus tu la agaknya...tinggal la anak dia ni ja...

empat ekor semuanya...tapi tu la, sampai besar tak ada kawan (ayam betina)...

so dalam usaha la mencari pasangan 4 ekor ayam ni...lama-lama duk cari memang tak jumpa...ada lah jumpa tapi ramai yang jual anak cochin ni ja...macam lambat ja kan, nak bela sampai besar duk single je la depa ni...tapiii lain yang dicari lain yang jumpa...

sumber : google
PEKIN information
The first Pekins are alleged to have been looted from the private collection of the Emperor of China at Peking (now known as Beijing) by British soldiers towards the end of the Second Opium War around 1860. However, some sources suggest that a consignment of birds from China around 1835 were given to Queen Victoria, assuming the name of 'Shanghais' and that these birds were bred with further imports and were developed into the breed we know today as Pekins. The Pekins first brought to the United Kingdom are said to have been Buff in colour, with Blacks and Cuckoos arriving later on. They are known in the United States and Canada as Cochin Bantams.
The Pekin is a True bantam, a breed of miniature chicken which has no large fowl counterpart. They are rather round-shaped, and their carriage tilts forward, with the head slightly closer to the ground than their elaborate tail feathers. This 'tilt' is a key characteristic of the Pekin. The bird on the whole, though the tail especially, should be abundantly feathered, and well rounded. The cockerels often have longer feathers that protrude outwards from their feet. The range of Pekin colours is extensive, and the list is continually growing. Colours include black, blue, buff, cuckoo, mottled, barred, Columbian, lavender, partridge, white, birchen, and silver partridge Rarer colours are in great demand, and many breeders spend much time perfecting new lines of colours in their birds. Frizzled Pekins are common.
Pekin Bantams are very docile, and with careful and regular handling they make ideal pets, especially for families with younger children. However, the Pekin bantam cocks can still be aggressive and defensive of their territory and mates once they reach sexual maturity, but are generally gentle natured.
The hens are regularly broody and are known to be good sitters and attentive mothers. They are not very productive egg layers.
Care must be taken so that the Pekin's foot feathering does not get soiled. Vent feathers may have to be trimmed to maximise fertility when breeding.

so bukan ayam ni ja...

sumber : google
ROSECOMB information
The Rosecomb is one of the oldest bantam breeds of chicken. The earliest surviving records of the breed are from the 14th century in Britain, though it may have another point of origin. Their popularity as an ornamental breed first took flight after King Richard III began to raise them. Their popularity among poultry enthusiasts continued in to the 19th century, and Rosecombs were shown at the first North American poultry exhibition in 1849, as well as being admitted in to the first edition of American Standard of Perfection in 1874. Today their widespread keeping by breeders persists.
Rosecombs are almost exclusively kept for competitive poultry showing, and their characteristics reflect this. Males generally weigh 570–620 g (20–22 oz) and females 450–510 g (16–18 oz). The breed's eponymous trait is its rose comb, which is large compared to its overall body size. They also sport relatively substantial white earlobes, prodigious tails, and a compact body shape. In addition to these general characteristics, Rosecombs appear in 25 different colour variations, though Black, Blue, and White are the most common.
Selective breeding solely for appearance has produced birds with striking appearances, but poor egg laying ability, carcasses unsuitable for eating, and some reproductive problems. Due to a genetic trait tied to rose combed chickens, roosters may have low fertility. Hens rarely are inclined to brood their own clutches, and chicks have high mortality rates. However, adult birds are generally hardy and active. Unlike the majority of chickens, Rosecombs are good fliers. They are also usually friendly birds, but males may be aggressive.

juga dikenali sebagai AYAM HUTAN yang tinggalnya @ asal dari United kingdom...masih muda dan masih liar ayam ni, now tengah nak jinakkan supaya nanti boleh keluarkan dari reban dia ni...kalau tengah liar ni takot terbang pulak kawan ni kang...inshaaAllah kalau ada rezeki nak biakkan ayam ni...

sumber : google
OHIKI information
The Ohiki (尾曳 Obiki) is a breed of long-tailed true bantam, originating on Shikoku Island, Kōchi Prefecture, Japan, during the Edo Period. Its name literally means 'tail drag' or 'small dragging'. They were not introduced to the United Kingdom until 1990. They are closely related to (and possibly derived from) the Japanese bantam and Onagadori

yang ini saya beli anak sepasang (gambar kanan)...suka tengok ayam ni sebab bentuk dia yang kecik macam ayam serama dan yang jantan kalau makin dia besar makin panjang ekor dia...inshaaAllah juga kalau ada rezeki dan tahan ayam ni nak bela dan biakkan jugak....

and this one pun saya beli anak sepasang (gambar atas)...nama dia yang owner dia cakap TAN CHOW...tak tahu kenapa nama dia ni, bila cari-cari info memang tak ada...tapi diceritakan sedikit yang tan chow ni asal dari VIETNAM dan dibawa masuk ke malaysia ni...ayam ni pun saya minat sebab cantik (pelik kan bentuk dan susunan bulu dia)...pun inshaaAllah jika ada rezeki nak biakkan jugak...
so sedikit sebanyak itulah cerita dia yang dapat saya kongsikan berkenaan hobby saya yang tak dapat dihapuskan sampai skrg untuk malam ni....
thank you for dropping by and thank you for reading...till then inshaaAllah (^___^)v...